Log in to your Amazon account. If you don't have an account, please create one.
The donation kit is already saved in an Amazon List. To make the donation click on this link:
* Click "OK" on the pop-up screen to change the country only if you are using the Amazon Shopping App.
Select the items that are on the list, and add them to the cart. You also must uncheck the option "This is a gift" for each item.
*If one item is sold out, add more quantity of another product to the list.
*Your donation must have the minimum quantity defined in the original list.
Click on the "Proceed to completion" button.
Select the Shipping Address already saved on the list. (R. Álvaro Ramos, 513/525 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22280-110)
Select a delivery option, and in the shipping preference select the option: "Group my items in the fewest possible shipments".
Select your payment option and place your order.
If you have any questions please contact us:
+1 (754) 249-1768
+1 (954) 774-3730